Sunday 2 December 2012

Part 7: Performing the Exorcism

Expelling the evil...

So far I have discovered many other worldly identities. These are in existence together with human beings. Out of all these existences I must say that when I began researching about Jinns I became quite disturbed about why people would visit Pir's to obtain black magic to physically and emotionally harm others. I had heard of many stories about people  possessed by the jinn but had never come across anyone in reality who was actually possessed; until I saw for myself, my first-hand experience of what possession does to someone.
This incident took place in my local mosque where my family and I were holding a prayer for my deceased relative. The prayers were for three days and I think it was on day 2 when we were all sitting quietly when suddenly a woman began shrieking. She then dropped to the floor and began rolling over violently. She was shouting and grunting uncontrollably and went hysterical. I was too scared to approach her but other women who knew about her condition leapt and restrained her, which I thought initially they were being too ruthless with her but when I saw the strength she possessed it was something extraordinary. She was alone but yet was able to fight a group of women. At the time I wondered how she had the strength and ability to do this but later learned that it was not her strength it was the jinn that was inside her making her behave so violently. After ten minutes of this outburst she became normal, and was quite surprised as to how she ended up on the floor. She could not remember anything. It truly was a terrifying experience to watch.
This got me thinking that she was a real danger to herself and to others, but was this truly a case of possession or was it a case of a mental disorder? This was just one case of unexplained behaviour [possibly a possession], that I had seen in real life but there have been countless reporting's in the media about exorcism killings. Many have died through rituals of exorcisms performed on them, especially women and children. Are those who perform such extreme forms of rituals then considered as murderers?
Is there a way of performing exorcisms which are safe and effective? And how can one actually determine whether someone is really possessed? Well during my research I came across the following link; 
which provides in depth information about the signs and symptoms of possession. I have to say when I was reading through this, I found that I had some of the signs and symptoms mentioned in this link for possession but I can definitely say that I am in my sane mind and not possessed. Therefore the reliability of this material can be questioned. I came across two interesting articles which make an interesting read: The first is an account of a Muslim man who realised he was possessed and the other article is about a female who had a discussion with a jinn. 

Below are some videos of exorcisms taking place. In these videos you can see that these people are really possessed and it is not a case of mental disorder.

But be warned they are not for the weak hearted!


  1. Reading your post reminds me of my school days. A close friend of mine often used to talk about her niece who she said was possessed by a jinn. She used to tell us (me and my friends) that she (her neice)would sometimes start to behave very strange, breathing heavy, spitting and pushing everyone around her with great force. At the time I did not believe her (even though I did'nt tell her). Reading your post I'm thinking may be she was telling the truth!
    I watched the first video on your blog and that was enough to shake me up (won't DARE watch the others)- I keep looking back is there something behind me that I cant see?

    1. Believe me I experienced strange phenomena whilst I was working on this post. I went to bed as usual, it was quite late. As i was dropping off to sleep I felt an Intense pressure on my back, and before I knew it I felt like something was suffocating me. I remembered the advice on one of the links to recite Quran. I did this a few times and then it all went away. I think it was a warning for me from the unknown identities that they are always watching me...
