Monday 3 December 2012

Post 8: The Finale

The journey into the unknown comes to an end...

Well it has been an interesting journey, one that has been a roller coaster of emotions. I have learnt a great deal of the unknown existence and I can say that after researching all about magic and jinn's it has led me to believe that what my daughter experienced was a real experience. Well what do you say? Are you still unconvinced?
I mean you can just look at the videos in my last post to know how people behave who are affected by possession. I am not saying my daughter was possessed but there certainly was a paranormal activity that took place that night. People who really believe their loved ones are really possessed go to extreme lengths to try and exorcise them.  I leave you the following link which I found to be the most disturbing. Read this and make up your mind.


  1. I followed the link and read the article and i must say i felt physically sick. I cannot believe people go to these exstremes. This is absolute murder and they should be charged for it. I cannot believe they thought doing something like this would help the 15 year old.

    1. I know Pr Eggy alizai, I understand completely hoe you felt. When I first read this I felt physically sick too. I completely detached myself away from doing this blog because it affected me in such a bad way. I found it too gruesome to put in the main body of the blog therefore I put the article in as a link. I feel these people are outright murderers and nothing justifes killings in this sadistical nature. These people should be brought to justice as soon as possible.
